
The definition of self-improvement

Since the beginning of the semester I started with high expectations about my writing and how I could improve it, as the months went by I began to realize how much I could improve and how there were many areas of my writing that still had a lot of potential to explore, although even so I I liked to write, I didn’t know how to implement many of my ideas in an organized and understandable way.

For the beginning of the first, we read and analyzed, in different texts and genres, a variety of rhetorical situations. where we analyze different writers expressing themselves about their experience learning a new language. One of the common issues that we learn in the first phase was the struggle of learning a new language such as English and also being an immigrant, but not only that, also trying to get better at it every year and thinking you are getting better but not actually being like that. For example in Mother Tongue by Amy tan when she wrote:

“I became an English major my first year in college, after being enrolled as pre-med. I started writing nonfiction as a freelancer the week after I was told by my former boss that writing was my worst skill and I should hone my talents toward account management.”

I personally decided to use pathos to appeal to the reader’s emotions, thus trying to express my feelings through a text or a genre. As Amy tan did, trying to get to the reader and their emotions by writing that. Is such a realistic topic of how I get to college trying to get a degree with my “poor” or “broken” english or that is how most of the English speakers see it,  but not realizing that we are actually here to learn and become better speakers and writers for our own future. 

For my assignment In this phase I wrote an essay that was personal and emotional. I tried to relate it to my experience with immigration and the complications that accompanied it, such as language and my difficulty adjusting. At first, despite the fact that everyone in the class went through very similar moments, it felt as if my experience was only something that I could understand and as time passed and each one of them expressed what they felt and how it affected them, I felt less alone. and listened, they made me understand that we all go through similar but unique moments when learning this new language. Although it was difficult for many to talk about these feelings, most of us were able to do so and let our readers understand that they were not alone. Reading many of my classmates’ essays on personal life, it almost felt as if they were able to expel their fear through their writing.

but not only that, finishing phase one we learned to “compose texts that integrate a position with appropriate sources”, with an opinion article. We took the time to educate ourselves on how Nathan J. Robinson, in his article “The Truth Pays, But Lies Are Free,” explains how many sources are unreliable based on their rate of pay. When discussing this topic there were many different opinions. but as a conclusion of this problem was: paywalls exist for two reasons. pay for the information that has already been found, and also pay the writers who contributed accordingly, but the problem is with the limitation of being able to acquire this information and this leads to great consequences such as misinformation of the majority of the population.

for the next phase, or as we call it in our class (phase two) we had to focus on choosing an argument and responding to it rhetorically. For this phase I wanted to stay with the topic of immigration and since most immigrants were looking for a way to come to this country illegally, I wanted to focus on the article By Eileen Sullivan and Zolan Kanno-Youngs “Biden Administration to Offer Thousands of Venezuelan Migrants Legal Path Into U.S.”

  I wanted to focus on being unbiased on the subject and responding in a way that didn’t sound like I was there somehow. For this phase I found myself in a personal dilemma in which I couldn’t find the right words to make my statement and I couldn’t organize my ideas to explain in a correct way how this problem was important to me. Although this was not affecting me directly, I wanted to inform my readers of how this problem was not only about immigrants but also about the economy and public health of this country. It was a bit stressful since my writing techniques were still not 100% and I didn’t feel safe to continue with that topic, but in the end I was able to do it using the different tools that we had already practiced at the beginning of the phase, while we talked about topics How to implement good sources to our research. And also how we can introduce citations to our paper, being able to do it And also how we can introduce quotes in our article, being able to do so. I realized that it would be easier if I first wrote on a mind map or diagram what my main points would be for this topic.

Finally, phase three was the one that took me the longest, since I wanted to dedicate time and quality to what I was writing. For this phase we were asked to persuade the reader and prove our main point with evidence. although it was a bit more difficult to get good sources for this essay, i wanted to rewrite it twice to be sure of what i was doing, at first i was a little unsure if i would continue with the immigration thing and all that, but i wanted to go a little deeper and explaining how all that trouble really starts, trying not to connect one to the other you can really appreciate the correlation between them. For my main theme I chose social classes, trying not to enter too much between them, explain how this is really inherited through generations and mostly has a cultural impact, implying that for us we were two different things, they were really connected. By the end of phase three I felt satisfied with the result as I felt that I had done a great job identifying good sources but still felt a bit dissatisfied with the explanation of why culture was important for the change of social classes . It was a bit difficult to follow sources with a connection between them but I was able to explain my point and organize my ideas ideologically.

Lastly, we find feedback and edit our own work or we have a partner who helps us to evaluate it from another angle, although I did not have the opportunity to be evaluated by another colleague, I took the trouble to do it myself and I realized that from the beginning of this essay I talk about how I cannot organize myself, having many ideas and information to tell, I get lost in the different topics and ideas that I want to convey, but I will continue trying to change that over time since the changes They don’t happen overnight.